Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I'm sitting at my desk at 3:15 again when I should be in bed sleeping because I have three classes tomorrow but instead I'm reading the idiot board and listening to Sam Adams on YouTube and thinking how the roommate is starting to piss me off again. We were ok almost for nearly a week but I think I just don't like his presence. He's taken to informing me when he's about to engage in certain activities that require me to stay out of the room for some time, which is just kinda weird I think, and he texted me today (4/20 OMG!!!) saying "we r gonna burn if thats cool". Oh, so you're telling me you're going to smoke in the room and that I can't do anything about it because you've invited two freshman girls who otherwise would have no interest in you to join? OK roommate, I'll let you have your day with these girls standing on your top bunk. Have fun.

Some of my friends on the floor are working on a rap song to the beat of Sam Adams' "I Hate College." I was considering writing a part of it but I think it would end up either ridiculing the school more than they intended or as a full on verbal assault of the roommate. It sounds pretty good and is funny because it's a bunch of rich white kids rapping about getting girls and getting drunk and getting drunk girls. I'll put it up if they post it to YouTube.

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