Sunday, May 17, 2009

This is Bruce Springsteen. Be more like him.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Forget fire escape plans, what we need are zombie escape plans.
This is a picture from Spain. I thought it was pretty cool. I guess the slit in the wall was for archers, and it is more narrow inside than outside to protect the archers from enemy arrows.
If you are ever in Arizona or anywhere in the Southwest, do your best to avoid these things. They are called jumping cacti and they are not fun to remove.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Hello and thank you for visiting this page, hopefully I'll be able to say something that interests you but if not then better luck next time. I will attempt to use decent spelling and grammar and can promise you will never see an LOL on here unless it is making fun of someone/thing else. Once again, I thank you for visiting this page and hope I can keep you entertained.