Monday, January 17, 2011

Quotes from the notebook

"I've had a lot of protein today." -Matt
"Oh God. Did you eat something spicy today?" -Pat
"...I usually don't do this." -Matt

"I kinda want to get a girlfriend just so I can cheat on her." -Pat

"Duhh. How can you have burgers and fries but no milkshakes? Like if I'm gonna be fat I want a milkshake too..." -Ava

"It's a little hard to notice but the tones are a little richer in the second one."
"Suck my dick."

"I would. I'm a dirty dog. You would too Kyle. You're a salty dog." -Kev Mac

"I wanna pee the boat." -Chris

"The other day I jerked off to Youtube lesbians making out." -Johnson

"They have jawlines like you dream about." -Kyle

"When you have curly hair you have a mullet. I'm buying cigarettes." -Sig

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